Getting started
To get started, you can either proceed from the "Home" link on the navigation bar to the right, or "Search" for a specific person in the system.
From wherever you start, you can then navigate the people that the current person has influenced and also their influences.
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An example of the connections that you will find on this site is:
Eric Lin
James Cook
British East India Company
Elizabeth I
Martin Luther
Joseph Smith Jr.
Donald Hinton
Eric Lin
  • Eric Lin is from Australia, which was first discovered by Capt. James Cook on his search to find a southern continent
  • James Cook and the British East India Company were both involved in the expansion of the British Empire
  • The British East India Company first received its Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I of Enland
  • When Queen Elizabeth I came to power, there was great tension between the Protestants and the Catholics. The Protestants had their beginnings with several leaders including Martin Luther
  • Joseph Smith Jr. went to inquire which church to join because of the confusion he felt with so many different choices. Before Martin Luther, there was only the Catholic Church
  • Born and raised in Utah, Donald Hinton's life is largely the product of the religion started by Joseph Smith
  • As his mission president, Donald Hinton influenced Eric Lin's perspective and understanding of life and his potential. It was only through this influence that Eric decided to attend BYU
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When looking at a persons influences and who they have influenced, you can see how the relationship was formed by holding your mouse over the name.
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