This website was designed for the class, Manufacturing 202 - The History of Creativity in the Winter 2006 Semester. It is an online tool that connects people and their influences. It is designed to provide a profile of people in the system that includes a brief history of their lives, significant achievements, and most importantly, how they were or how they weren't creative. It is hoped that through seeing the connections that are in the system, visitors to the site will be able to see the connections in their lives and be inspired to move outside the box and become Creative.
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In my own life, I find that I am not very little "c" creative, let alone big "c" creative. This presented an enormous challenge as I worked through this project. I found it very difficult to come up with an idea that was not only original, but also something that would add value to society. I found that creativity is not always something spontaneous as I previously believed. But that it really is the work of preparation and intent. It is only after many hours of work can big "c" creativity be discovered.

The basis for this project really came from two sources. A few months ago, several of my classes including this one required me or encouraged me to attend the forum by James Burke, the noted host of "Connections". It was the first time that I had heard of him or his show, but I was fascinated by the often obscure connections that he made linking people, places, times, and things together to trace a path linking the past with the present. The other thing that intrigued me was the increase in websites allowing people to stay in touch with each other.

With a background as a webmaster, I felt that a website would be the best means of showing the influences and links between people. I chose to use a MySQL database, PHP, Javascript and HTML for the website because they are all non-proprietary standards. But to learn a new skill, I decided to use stylesheets, also known as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). I had come across them before in other websites I have designed and maintained. However, they normally involved a lot of copying and pasting from previous webmasters. This time, I felt it would be beneficial to learn how to write one from scratch.

In spite of my background, I found that one of the hardest things to do was make the website visually appealing. I have discovered that I am much more comfortable making things functional rather than appealing. One thing that I have learnt from this class that in addition to writing code that is clean and effective, the final product needs to also reflect excellence in its presentation. It was only after numerous tries , many hours of consulting with others, and learning CSS, that I able to settle on what I feel is a visually pleasing website.

I have always felt that I am the product of those who have come before me. With my unique combination of Chinese heritage mixed with an upbringing that has spanned the globe, I have sought to combine the good from both the East and the West. This project gave me the opportunity to examine some of the influences in my life in more detail and trace their own influences. This in turn allowed me to draw connections between the different people that allowed me to better understand why I am where I am today.

I have attempted with this project to illustrate some of the influences I have had in my life and also their influences. The people that were included are all within the timeframe of this class (1500-present). I have tried to analyze their creativity in light of this class and the discussions that we have had, and then to provide a summary of it. In addition, I have tried to creatively draw enough links between the people I have included so as to enable a visitor to the site to see that our influences come from often the most surprising sources.

Ultimately, the goal of this website is to enable people and inspire people to look at their own influences and discover more about whom they are and what they can achieve. I am hoping that the value that this adds to society is that we realize that we are the products of the lives that have touched us. I hope that all who visit this site, including myself, may one day be able to say as Sir Isaac Newton once did, "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants".

With the lessons learnt, I will be better prepared to compete in the modern world. As the new century proceeds and possibly a new nation such as India or China comes to the forefront, new skills will be needed. The ability to think outside the box, and be big "c" creative, is what will distinguish those who not only survive, but succeed.